drew durnil

Which Country WINS in the Next Century...

Why would they do this to themselves... (Countryballs)

The BEST YouTube Shorts History Videos... (Knowledgia Reaction)

Who Caused the MOST Causalities in Each Continent... (YouTube Shorts)

Most & Least POPULAR World Leaders...

Maps That Make You DOUBLE TAKE....

What Are GHOST Borders?

The Pope Said So... (History)

The USA's Origin Story...

The Great War vs World War 2...

Where are you sitting on this 20 hour flight...

Who Pays the Most?

The Origin Story of Countryballs...

Alternative History Maps That Blow My Mind...

The STRONGEST Economies... (Countryballs)

Who Would You Beat?

Another thing the British will have to apologize for...

THINK AGAIN... (Countryballs)

That Was NOT Ukraine... (Countryballs)

Everyone with a time machine would do this... (History Memes)

The Most UNLUCKY Country... (Countryballs)

Guide to the World...

How the tables have turned... (Countryballs)

This can’t be what happened... (Countryballs)